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Matt Wants A Piano In The TARDIS!!

Lee Tuesday 28 September 2010
Doctor Who star Matt Smith is hoping to get a new gadget in the Tardis - a piano keyboard.
The actor wants a real instrument panel to show off his musical skills in a future episode.
Matt - soon to feature in a touring version of the show - has already used the programme to showcase his expertise as a footballer.

The former Leicester City and Nottingham Forest youth star was seen running rings around the other players when the Doctor had a kickabout in the past series.

And his latest request is to display how dextrous he is.

"I always wanted a piano in the Tardis, but that's yet to materialise, sadly," he said. "I'm by no means a dab hand but I can tinker a little bit."

However, he admits that fans may not be so keen to see him performing: "I guess once the Tardis lands, you want the adventure to get started - you don't want to see the Doctor playing the piano.

Matt, 27, will be seen during the new Doctor Who Live arena tour, which begins on October 8 at Wembley Arena and visits nine cities.

He will appear in specially filmed footage to be shown during the spectacular, which will feature live monsters including Cybermen, Daleks, Weeping Angels and many others.